On 7 January 2010, JavaMuseum entered NewMediaFest’2010, starting with a series of interviews from JIP – JavaMuseum Interview Project
Find the daily featured arists’ interviews on
On 8 January, the feature of the month January 2010 was re-launched, i.e
1st of Java – Perspectives on New Media
1st global competition – JavaArtist of the Year Award
On 11 January, JavaMuseum launched the netart features of 2010 as the daily journal “Celebrate”! http://2010.javamuseum.org
posting the first artists/works –>
Russet Leberman (USA), Natalie Perrin (F), Qohtaiwoo (China), Andre Sier (AR), Rebecca Young (Australia), Ida Julsen (Norway), Erika Linkoln (Canada).
Celebrate! will feature each day another netartist during 2010.